Wednesday, November 30, 2011

First Post!

Thanks for checking out my blog! My name is Ashley Hansen and baking is one my favorite things to do! Here's some background on the blog's title (just in case you're wondering). Bread is probably my most favorite food in the entire world! I love it! When I was younger we used to celebrate thanksgiving at my grandma's house in Billings, Montana. As a kid, my cousins and I used to "call" who we were going to sit by. One time, while staking our claims on spots at the kids table, I really wanted to sit by my good friend and loved one, Rolls. So I shouted "I call sitting by the rolls!" The rest is history. Now every thanksgiving, my family kindly reminds allows me to sit by my true love: Rolls. Anyways, each time I try a recipe, I will post it! I am always open to suggestions, so suggest away! Also, I'm allergic to tree nuts, so I won't be posting recipes with walnuts, pecans, etc...However, I can eat peanuts and pistachios so I will include those in some recipes. Anyways, the first recipe will be up soon!

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